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更新 2017-04-05 10:10


  • 上次登录 2017-06-05
  • sinozhongbo@163.com
  • 0312-6670188
  • 马强 (先生)  








Baoding public high pure platinum Company Materials Division specializing in the production and sales of ultra pure metal: high pure metal is a combination of many modern high and new technology, research and production of high purity metal was improved after the two World War, the first is the atomic energy research needs a series of high pure metal, and then with the development of Semiconductor Technology aerospace, electronics, radio, the higher the purity of the metal demand, greatly promoted the development of production of high purity metal. The purity of metal has three meanings. Some properties and purity of metal are closely related. Pure iron is soft, and the cast iron is hard. On the other hand, impurities are very harmful, most of the metal due to impurities and brittle, for the semiconductor, a very small amount of impurities will cause a very obvious change in material properties. Second, the study of purity can help to clarify the structural sensitivity of metal materials and the influence of impurities on the defects, and thus to create conditions for the development of new materials for the design of materials. Third, with the continuous improvement of the purity of the metal, will further reveal the potential properties of metals, such as ordinary metals are the most brittle of all metals. In the case of high purity, it appears the low temperature plasticity, and it has the high temperature superplasticity at high purity. The discovery of the potential properties of ultra high purity metals is likely to open up new areas of application, opening a new breakthrough in materials science, paving the way for the development of high technology.

Conventional high purity metals: Gao Chungu, Gao Chunnie,, high purity lead, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, the high purity aluminum, the high purity aluminum, the high purity aluminum, the high purity aluminum, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, such as: Gao Chuntong, Gao Chunxi, Gao Chunbi, Gao Chunge. (purity: 99.99%--99.9999%)

High purity semi metal: high purity boron, Gao Chungui, Gao Chunshen, high purity carbon. (purity: 99.99%--99.9999%)

High purity rare metal: high pure chromium, Gao Chunwu, Gao Chunmu, Gao Chuntan, Gao Chunni, Gao Chungao, Gao Chunfan, Gao Chuntai, high purity hafnium, Gao Chunlai, Gao Chunjia, Gao Chunyin, Gao Chunxi, Gao Chundi, high purity germanium, Gao Chunru, high purity cesium. (purity: 99.95 - 99.9999%)

High purity precious metals: Gao Chunjin, Gao Chunyin, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on, such as:, Gao Chunbo, Gao Chunba, and so on. (purity: 99.95 - 99.9999%)

High purity rare earth metal: high purity lanthanum, Gao Chunshi, Gao Chunpu, Gao Chunnv, Gao Chunshan, Gao Chunyou, Gao Chunte, Gao Chundi, high purity gadolinium, Gao Chunhuo, Gao Chuner, Gao Chundiu, Gao Chunyi, Gao Chunlu, Gao Chunyi, high pure scandium. (purity: 99.5 - 99.999%)

Specifications: according to the specific needs of the guests to provide high purity material profiles, particles, powder, etc..

Welcome to the majority of researchers, new and old customers come to discuss business!

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